On Saturday 15 Feb Le Bidule Café : Concert de Mael Issac CONCERTS, SHOWS AND CONFERENCES Nogent-l'Artaud
On Saturday 15 Feb Rallye "Météo-Climat !" à Nogent-l'Artaud EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS AND CULTURE Nogent-l'Artaud
From 5 until 22 February Le Bidule Café : Poupées moches, l'expo des belles de laideur ! EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS AND CULTURE Nogent-l'Artaud
From 12 November until 14 March Concours internationnal de Fables EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS AND CULTURE Château-Thierry
From 25 January until 22 March Théo Gobert - Stigmates - Exposition EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS AND CULTURE Château-Thierry
From 7 € Full-fare From 1 January until 30 December CAVES OUVERTES Dimanches et jours fériés REGIONAL PRODUCE, KNOW-HOW AND FLEA MARKETS Château-Thierry
From 1 January until 31 December Les 4 saisons du Champagne : "Domaine Mallet" SPORTS AND OUTDOOR LEISURE ACTIVITIES Trélou-sur-Marne
On Wednesday 19 Feb Le Bidule Café : Décokid : Drôles de Bébètes ! EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS AND CULTURE Nogent-l'Artaud
On Friday 21 Feb Saison culturelle agglo 2024/2025 - La boum des Bomboxeurs CONCERTS, SHOWS AND CONFERENCES Jaulgonne
40 € Full-fare From 17 until 21 February L'atelier des pourquoi ? Revisitons l'univers Pixar EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS AND CULTURE Château-Thierry
On Wednesday 19 Feb , On Saturday 22 Feb Création d'une œuvre collective - Sculpture géante EXHIBITIONS, FAIRS, FESTIVALS AND CULTURE Château-Thierry