If you’d like photos of our site, please don’t hesitate to contact Amélie.

The Treasures of the Hôtel-Dieu in Château-Thierry|

Vineyard in Acorn|

Educational presentation of the eagles on the castle in Château-Thierry|

American Monument Cote 204 in Chateau Thierry|

Rue du Château in Château-Thierry|

Hottée du Diable in Coincy|

Camille Claudel's Waltz at the Camille and Paul Claudel Museum|

Profiter de la nature en bord de Marne aux Portes de la Champagne|

The Hulotte des Villes in Château-Thierry|

Organic market in Rocourt-Saint-Martin|

The Biquettes de la Bruyères|

The church of Condé-en-Brie|

On the heights of Acorn|

Museum of the Memory 1914-1918 of Belleau|

Parc des Bruyères in Fère-en-Tardenois|