Champagne Leclerce Torrens in Crouttes-sur-MarneChampagne Leclerce Torrens in Crouttes-sur-Marne
©Champagne Leclerce Torrens in Crouttes-sur-Marne|D. Tatin
Meetings and tastings

Tasting champagne at a winemaker’s

An effervescent blend like no other… Champagne is the result of a meticulous and constant work of research and balance, a work of goldsmith, almost an alchemy. And as George Sand said: “Champagne helps you to marvel”.


Taste and meet our winemakers!

Savor this exceptional wine, invite it to your table, all occasions are good! The Champagne Tourist Route offers a multitude of small sparkling pleasures. Don’t hesitate to book your stay in a wine house with accommodation for a total experience!

Take the time to stop in the vineyard. Touch the vines and their distinctive wood. Crouch down to contemplate these vines. Let your imagination wander to the rhythm of the wood veining. Crumple the vine leaves, smell them, feel the earth, the chalk that makes our land unique. Let your curiosity and your thirst for discovery carry you away. Here everything is invigorating!

As the seasons go by

Time models our vineyards and cellars as it pleases. All these places of discovery are profoundly modified according to the seasons. Some prefer to comfort themselves before winter by the fire after a walk in the heart of the snowy hillsides, others will favor autumn and its flamboyant colors… Here is a beautiful invitation to a walk!

Tasting initiation

Push the door of a winegrower’s house to participate in an initiation workshop to tasting. This is a must on the champagne tourist route! On this occasion, all your senses will be solicited, the time of this privileged exchange with a passionate winemaker.

When you open a bottle, the magic happens immediately with the so specific sound of the cork popping, synonymous with moments of celebration and shared happiness.

The elegance of champagne

The robe of our champagne is revealed by an elegant limpidity. The shade of its hue goes from green yellow, to buttercup lemon, or amber, or even bright or more sustained pink.

Your eyes alone will be able to identify one of these colors that constitute so many clues about the maturity of your champagne wine.

Smell these fragrances offered by Mother Nature, whether they are perennial, floral, mineral, fruity, or woody. Your nose cannot remain insensitive to this diversity of aromas, each more subtle than the last. The bouquet and nose of your champagne will most likely be an essential part of your tasting…

The climax

This is obviously the alchemy that is created when the champagne touches your lips. This is when the final bouquet that will determine your taste. It can be very diverse depending on the type of champagnes that our passionate winemakers offer. It would be a pity to deprive oneself of it, the choice is vast and it is so much better. Here, no standardized wine! Each winemaker adds his personal touch and to tell you the truth, each palate is different and the tastes of some are not necessarily those of others.